Tires on a Semi Trailer

The U.S. chemical industry is growing, and is increasingly reliant on the U.S. trucking system. With announced investments of more than $200 billion and 330 manufacturing projects over the next decade, a recent economic analysis found that new chemical production in the U.S. will result in more than 1 million additional shipments per year. This will require over 600K additional truck shipments each year. ACC is concerned that constraints in the trucking industry may hinder our industry’s future growth and investments in the U.S. economy.

A survey of ACC members revealed that 81% of companies have experienced significant challenges due to constraints in the trucking industry. These challenges include service deterioration, delays, and missed shipments, resulting reduced productivity, increased transportation costs, and lost business. The United States needs smarter trucking policies to address these challenges.

Updating and maximizing U.S. truck standards will help meet current and future transportation needs of chemical manufacturers, as well as the farmers, manufacturers and energy producers who depend on the business of chemistry.

Of ACC member companies have experienced significant challenges due to constraints in the trucking industry.
Chemicals Transport via Tank Truck Chemtrec


CHEMTREC® has been the chemical industry’s go-to emergency call center for incidents involving hazardous materials, making chemical hazmat shipping compliance easier.


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Scott Jensen