Reducing Energy Use & GHG Emissions

America’s chemical industry uses energy to make innovative products and services that can make people’s lives better, healthier and safer. Managing greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency in our companies and manufacturing facilities is a key part of our commitment to sustainability, and ACC members are continually seeking new ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions in manufacturing and operations.

Through Responsible Care, ACC member companies report their progress on the following performance measures:

  • Greenhouse Gas Intensity
  • Energy Efficiency

Greenhouse Gas Intensity

America’s chemical industry recognizes the need to further reduce GHG emissions in our own operations. Through Responsible Care®, ACC members publicly report their GHG intensity, which is calculated by determining the metric tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)-equivalent emissions per million pounds of production.

From 2017 to 2022, ACC’s reporting members have reduced their GHG intensity by more than 8 percent.

Net Total GHG Emissions Intensity

Energy Efficiency

Managing energy efficiency in our companies and manufacturing facilities is part of our commitment to sustainability. Through Responsible Care®, ACC member companies annually report their energy efficiency, measured in terms of BTUs consumed per pound of production. From 2017 to 2022, ACC's reporting members have reduced their energy efficiency intensity by 18 percent.

Dan Roczniak