Affiliate Members

Affiliate Member of ACC Logo

Affiliate members comprise the chemical industry’s value chain partners, including: down-stream consumer-facing companies such as high tech companies, OEMs, auto industry, etc. Affiliate members are not chemical manufacturers and typically provide one of the following services:

  • Raw materials 
  • Logistics 
  • Chemical distribution 
  • Warehousing & storage 
  • Equipment 
  • Construction 
  • Plastics products 
  • Hazardous waste


Affiliate membership provides access to networking opportunities, a forum for education and a venue to work collaboratively with ACC. Affiliate members enjoy the following benefits:

  • Networking opportunities at ACC’s 20+ meetings and conferences 
  • Market intelligence 
  • Visibility 
  • Use of ACC’s affiliate logo 
  • ACC’s daily SmartBrief
  • Discounts to sponsor and exhibit at ACC events 

Affiliate membership requires participation in an approved environment, health, safety, and security performance program such as Responsible Care®, Responsible Distribution, ISO 14001/ISO 45001, CHEMSTEWARDS, OSHA Voluntary Protection Program, among others.

Michael J. Wurst, President + CEO , WTS Inc.
Membership in The American Chemistry Council (ACC) Affiliate Member program has allowed us to network with and join the business of chemistry’s collective voice. Together we drive a responsible, pro-growth, common sense and science-based public agenda that enhances the sustainability of our stakeholders and improves lives.
Elizabeth Bailey