Stephen Wieroniey

Former Director, Polyurethanes Markets, American Chemistry Council

Most Recent Content from Stephen Wieroniey

Polyurethanes Industry Supports EPA Regulation to Quickly Phase Down HFCs in the United States


The chemical industry has made significant investments in new technologies to replace these chemicals with more environmentally favorable alternatives.

Spray Foam Helps Protect What’s Inside as Well as What’s Outside


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change are top of mind in today’s global dialogue. Scientists around the world continually seek new ways of helping reduce GHG emissions, whether they’re looking for alternative sources of energy or developing carbon-capturing technologies

CPI Releases Complimentary Canadian Version of Online Health & Safety Training Program for Spray Polyurethane Foam Users


The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) today released a Canadian version of its online chemical health and safety training program designed to provide information regarding safe use, handling and disposal of high-pressure spray polyurethane foam (SPF).

Polyurethanes: The Durable and Versatile Material Helping to Solve Society’s Most Important Sustainability Challenges


Did you know that polyurethane products and technologies play an important role in promoting sustainability and reducing waste?

Can Air Sealing Help Create Energy-Efficient Buildings?


In recent years, there has been a growing focus on creating more energy-efficient buildings, and that starts with ensuring that buildings are sealed from unwanted air infiltration. Did you know that as much as 40% of a building’s energy is lost to unwanted airflow? Failure to seal the building envelope leaves gaps and holes, drives up energy usage, and lets valuable resources go to waste.

SPF Insulation Meets Energy-Efficiency Needs for Multifamily Homes


Designers and specifiers building or upgrading a multifamily home must consider the energy efficiency of the building and select the right insulation during the design phase of the project.