The American Chemistry Council (ACC) was founded in 1872 (originally called the Manufacturing Chemist Association of the United States). ACC represents more than 190 companies engaged in the business of chemistry — an innovative, economic growth engine that helps solve some of the biggest challenges facing our country and the world.
Our 150 Years History
A Century & a Half of Performance, Progress and Possibility
For a century and a half, the American Chemistry Council has championed chemistry and the chemical industry as their products and technologies play an essential role in our everyday lives — from the cars we drive today to the resilient products found in and around buildings. While manufacturing those solutions, our members engage in safety and sustainability practices and procedures to protect human health and the environment.
Science is imperative to making progress toward solving the world’s most pressing challenges — from the COVID-19 pandemic to the ongoing challenges correlated with climate change. Throughout the last 150+ years, we’ve supported our members as they’ve innovated to improve lives and protect the environment by enabling clean water, medical breakthroughs, resilient infrastructure, reduced waste and much more.
Just 50 years ago, ACC, then the Manufacturing Chemist Association, said “Truly the industry is an adventure in finding new things, and every day chemists wake up in a new world, dedicated to making it a better one.” As we look toward the future, chemistry will make the possibility of a sustainable future a reality. Chemists and engineers from our member companies work toward new ways that chemistry can support progress toward a sustainable future.

A Message from Our President & CEO
2022 marks a special milestone for the American Chemistry Council (ACC) — our sesquicentennial. As we celebrate, it is important for us to reflect on the past and focus on the future.
ACC, then the Manufacturing Chemists’ Association, was officially founded 150 years ago. Some of the objectives in its constitution were to “protect against unwise legislation and unjust freight discrimination” and to “promote and aid any other matter of general interest to the Acid and Chemical industries.” While times were much different then, we still support our industry in similar ways. We remain committed to representing our members using best-in-class advocacy, political engagement, communications, and scientific research.
To all our members, stakeholders, employees, and friends – I thank you for your continued commitment to ACC and the chemical industry. For the next 150 years, we look forward to enhancing performance, increasing progress, and fulfilling possibilities.
Happy 150 years of ACC!

American Chemistry Council

A Timeline of Our History
Over the past 150+ years, the American Chemistry Council has helped our members navigate a complex landscape of chemical regulation & legislation while advocating for crucial chemistries that are imperative for society today. Check out the journey below.