Open Competition

11 Results
ACC Urges Congress to Maximize Infrastructure Spending & Support Competitive Bidding

The undersigned trade associations who represent thousands of good paying American manufacturing jobs across the country, submit this letter for the record to make the Committee aware of a sensible solution that would help communities make the mos...

Plastic Pipe: Finding the Right Solution for Fixing Our Nation’s Water Infrastructure System

Increasing volumes of troubling media reports about our nation’s crumbling water infrastructure are an urgent reminder that a great deal of water systems in the U.S. were built decades if not a hundred years ago or more. These systems are nearing ...

America’s Chemical Industry, Central to Rebuilding our Nation’s Infrastructure
America’s Chemical Industry, Central to Rebuilding our Nation’s Infrastructure

Yes, it’s Infrastructure Week. Again! And, it couldn’t come soon enough. One of the few issues everyone in Washington and across the nation can agree on is that America’s aging and failing infrastructure is in desperate need of attention.

Get More For Less: A Solution For Smart Infrastructure Policies

It is widely accepted that our nation’s aging infrastructure is in desperate need of repair, everything from roads to bridges to infrastructure we don’t see like water pipes. Unfortunately, many local governments have restrictions in place that ti...

Open Competition
Open Competition

Americans deserve to know that our 21st century infrastructure will be built upon policies that allow engineers to select the best material for the job and make the best use of taxpayer’s dollars.

ACC Comments for Senate Committee Hearing: Examining Challenges Facing Drinking and Waste Water Infrastructure Projects

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) would like to submit the following statement for the record to make the Committee aware of a sensible solution that would help communities make the most of federal infrastructure resources. Adopting this soluti...

Guaranteeing Competition Saving Taxpayers Money While Modernizing America’s Infrastructure

America’s aging infrastructure - including water systems, roads, bridges and dams - is in desperate need of repair. Many of the specifications, procurement practices and material preferences for infrastructure projects are equally outdated.

Unleashing Innovation to Address Aging Water Infrastructure
Unleashing Innovation to Address Aging Water Infrastructure

Every four years the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) issues grades fifteen infrastructure categories. On the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, ASCE gave the nation’s drinking water infrastructure a “D”, with over 6 billion gallons of tre...

Open Competition for Our Nation’s Infrastructure: What Policy Experts are Saying

Cities and towns throughout America are scrambling to find solutions to deal with rapidly deteriorating infrastructure. The ever-growing must-fix list in municipalities across the country can come with a hefty price tag. Several recent reports exp...