When reviewing this First Aid information, please note that there are differences in the guidance provided for Aliphatic Diisocyanates (HDI, HMDI and IPDI monomers) and Aliphatic Polyisocyanates (HDI, HMDI and IPDI polyisocyanates).

Consult the Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for specific first aid instructions. Take the SDS when seeking medical attention.

First Aid Guidance for Aliphatic Diisocyanates

Consult the Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for specific first aid instructions. Take the SDS when seeking medical attention.

The following is only general guidance on first aid procedures in the event of an accidental over exposure to ADI and the person overexposed experiences any of the following:

  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Eye contact;
  • Skin contact; or,
  • Ingestion.

Generally, consider taking the following actions:

Difficulty Breathing
  • The person affected should be moved from risk of further exposure and should rest.
  • Obtain medical attention immediately.
  • The onset of symptoms may occur immediately following an accidental over exposure or may occur shortly after exposure or several hours after exposure has taken place if sensitization has developed. Symptoms of difficulty breathing may also occur the evening after exposure if sensitization has developed.
Eye Contact
  • Flush the eyes immediately with the contents of several sterile eye-wash bottles or copious amounts of tap water. Then remove contact lenses, if present and easily removable, and continue eye irrigation for not less than 15 minutes.
  • Obtain medical attention.
Skin Contact

ADIs may be difficult to wash off with just water or soap and water. Refer to the Manufacturer’s SDS for assistance in determining which of the following methods is most appropriate.

  • Wash off thoroughly with large amounts of water and then wash well with soap and water; or
  • Wash off with soap and water. After washing, cover affected area with polyethylene glycol (300-500 molecular weight) and wash again with soap and water to thoroughly remove polyethylene glycol and residual isocyanate. Repeat if necessary.

For severe exposures, obtain medical attention immediately get under safety shower and begin rinsing off.

  • Do not induce vomiting.
  • Wash out the mouth with water.
  • The person affected should rest.
  • Obtain medical attention.

Additional Information for Medical Personnel

  • HDI, HMDI and IPDI are respiratory irritants and potential respiratory sensitizers. There are no specific antidotes and treatment is essentially symptomatic for primary irritation or bronchospasm.
  • HDI, HMDI, and IPDI have very low oral toxicity.
  • Conduct post-incident follow-up checks following accidental overexposures.
Erin Dickison