Facility Safety

19 Results
ACC House E&C Comments Regarding RMP Hearing

ACC welcomes Congressional oversight of EPA’s regulatory actions and urges the Committee to support Representative Crenshaw’s Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to disapprove these harmful changes to the RMP program.

ACC Comments on House Hearing Examining Changes to Chemical Safety Program
ACC Comments on House Hearing Examining Changes to Chemical Safety Program

Despite decades of success, ACC is concerned that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chose to ignore its own data to impose problematic changes to RMP that threaten national security and supply chain resiliency.

Industry Urges Congressional Leaders to Address Flawed EPA Chemical Safety Rule

We and our members support focused and data-driven regulations that improve safety and security. EPA’s RMP final rule fails to meet this mark. We urge support of the resolution of disapproval of the RMP final rule under the Congressional Review Act.

RMP Fact Sheet
RMP Fact Sheet

What is it? EPA established the Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule to prevent and mitigate the release of certain hazardous substances. RMP requires facilities to develop comprehensive safety plans and share information with emergency responders. EPA...

Stakeholders Voice Growing Concerns About RMP

The regulated community and policymakers are urging EPA to change course and avoid unnecessary changes to RMP that will not improve safety and undermine the success of the program.

ACC Calls on EPA to Change Course on Problematic Changes to RMP That Threaten National Security and Supply Chain Resiliency
ACC Calls on EPA to Change Course on Problematic Changes to RMP That Threaten National Security and Supply Chain Resiliency

While there are certain aspects of the final rule that ACC supports – most notably, the Agency’s approach to root cause analysis of process safety incidents – ACC has several significant concerns.

ACC Welcomes New Chemical Safety Board Leadership
ACC Welcomes New Chemical Safety Board Leadership

Following the confirmation of Stephen Owens to be the next chair of the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) and the addition of Catherine Sandoval to the Board by the U.S. Senate, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) expressed its support for the CSB’s vi...

Risk Management Program
Risk Management Program

ACC supports the success of RMP and remains committed to working with EPA to prevent accidental chemical releases. We urge the agency to rethink its questionable new regulatory mandates and focus on expanding the program’s longstanding success.

ACC Calls on EPA to Change Course on Problematic RMP Proposal
ACC Calls on EPA to Change Course on Problematic RMP Proposal

“ACC and its members are proud to be part of an industry that puts safety at the core of its operations and that has worked cooperatively with EPA to protect the safety of workers and communities,” says Dr. Kimberly Wise White, vice president of R...