Environmental Airborne Emissions Reporting and Testing

Generally, atmospheric emissions of aliphatic diisocyanates (ADI) during production are low, as they are typically carried out in closed equipment with ventilation controls. Under the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program, facilities that manufacture, process or otherwise use HDI, HMDI or IPDI and exceed the usage threshold limits set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are required by EPA to submit a Form A or Form R by July 1st of each year to EPA and the appropriate state agency.

EPA Testing Methods – Emissions and Stack Emissions

EPA has published various test methods relating to environmental monitoring and stack testing. These tests can be used to supplement information during specific evaluations of occupational exposures. The following methods for HDI and IPDI are included on EPA's Air Emission Measurement Center (EMC) web page.

  • Other Test Method 14 (OTM-14) - The Method 2071 “A Method for Measuring Isocyanates in Stationary Source Emissions “designation was first given to a method for isocyanates that was proposed in 1997 (62 FR 6432), but was never finalized. That method for isocyanates is now identified as Other Test Method 14 (OTM-14) and can be found on the EPA website.
The following two methods are listed by the EPA as conditional methods:

1 The Method 207 designation is now assigned to the Pre-survey Procedure for Corn Wet-milling Facility Emissions which was promulgated in 2008 (73 FR 30775). Reference EPA FAQ for EMC Promulgated Test Method 207.

Erin Dickison