Cancer Relationship Plausibility

33 Results
Updating the Biologically Based Dose-Response Model for the Nasal Carcinogenicity of Inhaled Formaldehyde in the F344 Rat

Authors: Rory B. Conolly, Jeffry Schroeter, Julia S. Kimbell, Harvey Clewell, Melvin E. Andersen, P. Robinan Gentry
The authors describe an updated biologically based dose-response (BBDR) model that addresses uncertainties through refined dosim...

The Evolving Epidemiology of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers.

Authors: Ellen T. Chang, Weimin Ye, Yi-Xin Zeng and Hans-Olov Adami.
Findings from this case–control study provide new insight into the epidemiology of NPC. Recent findings from other studies include a protective association with infectious mon...

The importance of evaluating specific myeloid malignancies in epidemiological studies of environmental carcinogens.

Authors: Mundt, K.A., Dell, L.D., Boffetta, P. et al.
The authors systematically evaluated the epidemiological literature on the four chemical agents (1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, benzene, and tobacco smoking, excluding pharmaceutical, microbia...

An updated mode of action and human relevance framework evaluation for Formaldehyde-Related nasal tumors

Authors: Thompson, C. M., Gentry, R., Fitch, S., Lu, K., & Clewell, H. J.
In this evaluation, the authors review and update the mode of action (MOA) framework for nasal tumors, with particular emphasis on the studies published since 2006. In 20...

Peak exposures in epidemiologic studies and cancer risks: considerations for regulatory risk assessment.

Authors: Checkoway, Harvey, Peter SJ Lees, Linda D. Dell, P. Robinan Gentry, and Kenneth A. Mundt.
Reviews approaches for characterizing "peak" exposures in epidemiologic studies and methods for incorporating peak exposure metrics in dose-respo...

Evaluation of inhaled low-dose formaldehyde-induced DNA adducts and DNA–protein cross-links by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry.

Authors: Leng, Jiapeng, Chih-Wei Liu, Hadley J. Hartwell, Rui Yu, Yongquan Lai, Wanda M. Bodnar, Kun Lu, and James A. Swenberg.
In this study, both exogenous and endogenous DNA mono-adduct (N2-HOMe-dG) and DNA–protein crosslinks (dG-Me-Cys) wer...

Commentary on New Formaldehyde Studies in Trp53 Haploinsufficient Mice: Further Support for Nonlinear Risks From Inhaled Formaldehyde.

Author: Thompson, Chad. (2018)
The article discusses the relevance of a 2017 final report by the U. S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) that explored the potential involvement of p53 mutation in formaldehyde-induced nasal tumors and lymphohema...